SaaStr Search


B2B SaaS Blog - How GuideSpark Tripled ARR Two Years in a Row Blog Posts

How GuideSpark Tripled ARR Two Years in a Row, Growing to Almost Eight Figures in ARR — All Using Outbound Sales

GuideSpark is one SaaS company I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved with for a while (I am a very small indirect shareholder, and have known the CEO, Keith Kitani, since ’06). GuideSpark is a SaaS service that automates highly personalized employer-employee communications, e.g. around benefits and HR. So you don’t have to do 1,000 in-person…
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B2B SaaS Blog - Shep Maher (Guidespark) Growth, Marketing, Marketing, Sales, Videos

Shep Maher (Guidespark), Andrea Austin (InsideView), Marc Jacobs (Greenhouse): Whale Hunting: Negotiating, Handling, and Closing (Video + Transcript)

At SaaStr, we love advice from the best of the best in Sales on hiring your first rep to the building your first SDR team. From SMB to enterprise, we love it all. And it’s no secret that closing selling into the enterprise is a different beast that it comes with its own set of unique challenges and triumphs. We…
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B2B SaaS Blog - Keith Kitani & Shep Maher (Guidespark): Hyperscaling Outbound Sales (Video + Transcript) Growth, Scale

Keith Kitani & Shep Maher (Guidespark): Hyperscaling Outbound Sales (Video + Transcript)

We’re publishing the full series of transcripts and videos from all of the awesome SaaStr Annual 2015 sessions (check out sessions with Box, Zenefits, Slack, Yammer, and so many more here.). In this session, Guidespark’s CEO, Keith Kitani, and SVP of Sales, Shep Maher, share their experiences in hyperscaling their outbound sales team while developing and maintaining…
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B2B SaaS Blog - Ok Uncategorized

Ok, It’s A Go. The SaaStr Annual. Feb 5. With the CEOs of Box, MobileIron, GuideSpark, OpenDNS, Zenefits, Talkdesk, and More. Does It Get Any Better?

Ok we’re confirmed. Locked and loaded. February 5. 2015. The Regency Ballroom. San Francisco. California. The First SaaStr Annual. It’s all day (and night). 9am – 11pm. And if you’re flying in, a special event the evening before. No panels. No endless slide shows. Instead, hands-on sessions that teach you how to do it. How…
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Compensation, Customer Success, Early, Marketing, Metrics, Podcasts, SaaS Product Pricing, Sales, Sales

SaaStr Podcasts for the Week with Matrix Partners and EZPR — February 21, 2020

          Ep. 309: David Skok is a General Partner @ Matrix Partners, the firm with a portfolio including the likes of Hubspot, ZenDesk, Quora, CloudBees and more incredible companies. As for David, he started his first company in 1977 aged just 22. Since then David has founded a total of four…
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