In the run up to SaaStr Europa 2022 in Barcelona on June 7-8, we’re taking a look at some of the top all-time SaaStr Europa sessions. In 2019, Eric Rea, CEO of Podium, joined us to share how he grew the company he launched from his spare bedroom into one of the...
In the run up to SaaStr Europa 2022 in Barcelona on June 7-8, we’re taking a look at some of the top all-time SaaStr Europa sessions. Scaling a sales team is a challenge every company faces. It takes different people, skills, and tactics to move you from $1 million to...
Utah-based Podium is now valued at $3 billion. Small business software helps everyone from plumbers to dentists communicate with customers online. $100m+ ARR and IPO looming, CEO says — Katie Roof, boosted 💉 (@Katie_Roof) November 15,...
Ep. 297: Bob Moore is the Founder & CEO @ Crossbeam, the startup that helps companies find overlapping prospects and customers while keeping the rest of their data private and secure. To date Bob has raised over $15m with...