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Aaron Levie

Elisa Steele

Eric Yuan

"SaaStr is the largest community of people who like enterprise software on the planet. It’s a great community of people trying to build companies and learn from one another. It’s pretty amazing to see."

"I'm a part of SaaStr because there's no better place to be. It's a great community to collaborate with your peers. You can chat with other CEOs and SaaS execs to talk about challenges you are facing."

"I think, if you really want to be good at building up good companies, spend all the time to read SaaStr. This is my favorite website and spend more time here, a huge fan of SaaStr."

Aaron Levie

CEO & Co-Founder | Box

Elisa Steele

CEO | Namely

Eric Yuan

CEO & Founder | Zoom

What are some of the perks of joining the SaaStr community? 

52 Weeks of Training

Exclusive Content

Event Discounts

Weekly emails of training from our founder, Jason Lemkin. 

We share exclusive resources for our community members. Ebooks, sessions from events, Q&A - you name it. 

Best of all, we give all community members discounts to our events. Keep an eye on your inbox for when we have flash sales. 

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