Equality + Inclusion

Dedicated to making SaaStr one of the most inclusive communities on the planet.
Scroll down to apply. 

SaaStr is committed to having the most inclusive community in Cloud and SaaS.

We are proud that the 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 SaaStr Annuals featured a combined 67% women and multicultural speakers and that we’ve have had over 50% women and multicultural speakers at each SaaStr Annual since 2018.

At Team SaaStr we’ve been striving for the most representative attendee experiences possible, as well as expanding access to mentorship and venture capital firms and investors.

We are continuing to learn and grow ourselves and think about how to make SaaStr one of the most inclusive communities on the planet.  Please share your thoughts, learnings, and suggestions with us.

Our core goals and values at SaaStr include:

  1. Putting on the most inclusive events in the industry and
  2. Being as inclusive a community as possible.

We believe that true innovation depends on hearing from, meeting with, and listening to people with a variety of perspectives and diverse backgrounds. We want our events, and the community and companies who participate in them, to include, encourage, and recognize people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientation, and military service.

To support those goals, among other initiatives, we offer 1,500+ VIP Equality + Inclusion Passports a year at no cost.

These VIP passports include full, no-cost access to all SaaStr events, including our digital events, and each year’s in-person events: SaaStr Annual and SaaStr Europa.  They also include priority access to our mentorship and CEO <-> VC matchmaking programs at no cost.

Please apply below.


Apply to receive a no-cost VIP pass to our upcoming events:

What’s Included:

  • A full VIP conference pass to all our upcoming digital and in-person events
  • Priority access to all sessions and events
  • First/early access to all mentoring platforms and programming (1000+ braindates, etc)

  • VIP/early access to session registration

  • Early access to our Meet-A-VC Matching application (for Founders and CEOs)


  • Be a member of a group not well-represented within the tech community or at technical conferences, including but not limited to: women, underrepresented backgrounds, people with disabilities, LGBTQ, veterans

  • Be an employee at a post-revenue B2B or SaaS operating company

  • Must be able to book your own travel and accommodations for any in-person events

  • If employed, your employer will not cover the cost of your conference attendance

  • Must be 21 years old or over to apply

  • Must agree to follow our Code of Conduct

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