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SaaStr Q&A
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Do Angel Investors and Seed VCs Ask for Detailed Budgets Before Investing?
Dear SaaStr: Do angel investors or seed venture capitalists normally ask for detailed budgets including cash flow analysis before investing, even though most of the numbers will be pure speculation? Many do. Why? Even if you are very early stage, It’s really one of the best ways to learn. To learn what in the founders’…
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Dear SaaStr: What’s Your Top Advice For All New SaaS Founders?
Dear SaaStr: As a VC, if you could go back to your operational experience (as part of a hyper-growth startup), then what would you remind yourself to take note of? My top list: Slow down big decisions — when you aren’t sure. You have to move fast and break things, but if the pit in…
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Dear SaaStr: When Will VCs Push You To Bring On an Outside / Professional CEO?
Dear SaaStr: When Will VCs Push You To Bring On an Outside / Professional CEO? I think 99% of successful VCs, especially “traditional”, experience Silicon Valley-type VCs have now seen you want to back the founder-CEO forever if you can. You sometimes get a short-term boost from a Professional CEO, especially as they often are…
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Dear SaaStr: Is a Strong Social Media Presence Important as a CEO?
Dear SaaStr: Is a Strong Social Media Presence Important as a CEO? Onestream is the latest SaaS IPO. Bootstrapped to $100m ARR. The CEO has never posted on LinkedIn. Not once. And he’s a 2x successful founder. Selling to CFOs and finance. On the other hand, if I were selling sales and marketing tools, I’d…
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Dear SaaStr: Should I Publish My Pricing?
Dear SaaStr: Should I Publish My Pricing? If you aren’t sure — then yes. Transparent pricing has many advantages: It makes the sales process simpler. It allows prospects and leads to do more discovery work on their own. And it places your app in pricing context with other apps. It makes the sales process faster. …
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Underpricing: It Can Help You Win Deals. But It Won’t Magically Bring Them In The Door On Its Own.
Dear SaaStr: Is Underpricing a Good Strategy to Gain Traction? Yes, to some extent — once a category is well established and there is a subset of functionality that is commoditized. But it’s not a marketing strategy. It’s more a tactic to win deals vs. an establish. brand, once you have the prospect in your…
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Dear SaaStr: In B2B Startups, How Useful is Cold Calling?
Dear SaaStr: In B2B Startups, How Useful is Cold Calling? Look, I hate getting those calls. Especially the really pushy, dumb ones from SDRs that barely know their own products. Do those work? I don’t know. However … cold calling, done by folks who have done it well before, always works a bit. Especially if…
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Dear SaaStr: How Can We Best Use Testimonials in the Sales Cycle?
When should you use testimonials in the sales cycle? Testimonials are nice, you need them. But most prospects these days have already seen the generic ones on your website and in your collateral. What really moves the needle in sales is very similar companies using, and loving, your product. So arm your sales team with…
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Dear SaaStr: How Can I Get The Attention of Software VCs?
Dear SaaStr: How Can I Get The Attention of Software VCs? #1: Get Out There: Get in TechCrunch. Get on Hackernews. Get on stage at any B tier or A tier event. Get warm intros from any successful founders or seed investors you know. Rent a cheap booth at an event lots of VCs attend….
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Dear SaaStr: What is Your Best Advice for Maintaining Healthy Co-founder Relationships?
Dear SaaStr: What is Your Best Advice for Maintaining Healthy Co-founder Relationships? Talk. Dysfunctional co-founders don’t talk. Not for real. They stew. They get passive-aggressive. They email. They Slack. But they don’t talk. I don’t mean talk in group settings, or at staff meetings, or in scrum. I mean the two of you. My best…
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Dear SaaStr: If a Startup Raises $40 Million and Fails to Sell The Company, Do Founders Typically Exit With a Severance Package?
Dear SaaStr: If a Startup Raises $40 Million and Fails to Sell The Company, Do Founders Typically Exit With a Severance Package? Very rarely in a failed start-up, irrespective of the amount raised, will the founders end up with anything. If the start-up has raised a lot, e.g. here $40m, a small carve-out may be…
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Dear SaaStr: What are The Pros and Cons of Raising VC Money from a Corporate VC?
Dear SaaStr: What are The Pros and Cons of Raising VC Money from a Corporate VC? The pros, and the cons, are both limited. The issues here are smaller than they used to be. Cons: Usually won’t carry the company or write many “second checks”. So not an ideal lead investor. This is the biggest…
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Dear SaaStr: What Are The Downsides of Being a Venture Capitalist?
Dear SaaStr: What Are The Downsides of Being a Venture Capitalist? Perhaps the biggest downside, for folks with some success under their belt … is your likely inability to truly be in control of things in a bigger firm. Most great founders are good at being CEO but don’t actually need to be CEO, per se….
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Dear SaaStr: When My Startup Raises $10m, Would It Be Appropriate to Take a $170k Salary (no co founders)?
Dear SaaStr: When My Startup Raises $10m, Would It Be Appropriate to Take a $170k Salary (no co founders)? Yes, not a problem. You should take a “market correct” salary as soon as it’s economically immaterial to the company. I don’t write $10m checks. I write, typically, $1m-$5m checks, the stage before that. But. As…
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Dear SaaStr: Should You Always Ask a Co-founder to Invest Their Own Money?
Dear SaaStr: Should You Always Ask a Co-founder to Invest Their Own Money? No. Especially if they haven’t really made any money yet, and you have more. In both my start-ups, I was the only founder to contribute cash. It didn’t matter. Yes, you need money one way or another to startup. But writing code,…
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Dear SaaStr: What Were The First Five Hires You Made After Product-Market Fit?
Dear SaaStr: What Were The First Five Hires You Made After Product-Market Fit? My first 5 hires at Adobe Sign / EchoSign, beyond the core founding+ team, once we had paying customers and first, if early, product-marketing fit: #1: Full-time sales rep at $8k-ish MRR. I Should have hired two. Should have hired him even…
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Dear SaaStr: Is it a Red Flag if The CEO is Only Interested in Selling the Company?
Dear SaaStr: Is it a Red Flag if The CEO is Only Interested in Selling the Company? It is. Or at least — it’s a Yellow Flag. The company will never be great if the CEO is thinking this way. There are so many start-ups, so many products, so much competition. You can build something…
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I Launched My SaaS And Have Zero Customers. What Do I Do?
Dear SaaStr: I Launched My SaaS And Have Zero Customers. What Do I Do? I’m from a software engineering background and I’m very comfortable in that space. I thought building my own SaaS would be super easy. I write code every day, it’s just another project: build it, launch it, boom. Can’t believe how stupid…
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How, and When, You Can Get a VC from “Maybe” to “Yes”. Hint: A Few More Good Months is Often The Key.
Dear SaaStr: What three things would take a VC from ‘maybe’ to ‘yes’? 95%+ of “Maybes” from a VC typically in the end are just a No. Here’s Why: A typical VC meets 100-300 start-ups a year himself, plus all the others he has to meet that other partners bring in. Funds 1-3. Gets excited…
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Dear SaaStr: I Just Sent an Email to a VC with Two Typos. Should I Resend It?
Dear SaaStr: I Just Sent a Email to a VC with Two Typos. Should I Resend It? No, no, no and no. First, VCs want to see strength. Not arrogance usually, but strength. Some whimpy email apologizing for some typos isn’t strength. Second, it shows poor prioritization. This is really a good use of your…
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The Three P’s: How To Steal Customers From Your Biggest Competitor
Dear SaaStr: How Do I Take Over Customers From My Biggest Competitor? You can do it, it happens all the time. But you gotta put in the work. 95% of vendors and folks and sales reps don’t actually put in the world. You gotta do the 3 P’s: Patience. Persistence. Pounce. First, you have to…
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Dear SaaStr: When Should I Pay Commission on SaaS Sales that Close Themselves?
Dear SaaStr: When should I pay the commission for SaaS sales? All of our trial signups will get an automatic email from an account executive. How do we decide if the AE was responsible for the sale versus the sale just happened organically? Every company with a self-serve component and a sales-driven component frets a…
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Dear SaaStr: How Do Enterprise SaaS Companies Deal With Late Payments?
Dear SaaStr: How Do Enterprise SaaS Companies Deal With Late Payments? Yes, in the end, you have to be willing to switch off the platform. But do it gracefully, with respect. Do it the same exact way you’d want to be treated if you were a customer. The key is to provide a series of…
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Dear SaaStr: Growth Has Slowed and My VP of Sales is Pushing Me To Hire More Reps. Is That The Right Way to Go?
Dear SaaStr: Growth Has Slowed and My VP of Sales is Pushing Me To Hire More Reps. Is That The Right Way to Go? No. Not 9+ times out of 10. In fact, the #1 sign your VP of Sales is really struggling is when their best answer to slowing sales is to hire even…
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Dear SaaStr: What Was The Best Advice You Ever Got From an Angel Investor
Dear SaaStr: What Was The Best Advice You Ever Got From an Angel Investor The best advice I ever got from one of my angel investors: Stop feeling sorry for yourself. I went to meet with one of my angels and mentors when things were probably toughest at my last start-up. My co-founder had walked…
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Popular Q&A
How To Reverse-Engineer a $100M Exit: SaaStr on My First Million Pod
How do you reverse-engineer your first million as a SaaS startup founder? SaaStr founder and CEO Jason Lemkin chats with Sam Parr on the popular YouTube channel and podcast My First Million about what’s required to make it on the map for a $100M exit and then reverse engineers the steps to get there.
Rule 1: New minimum is $400K per employee
Rule 2: Go multi-product
Rule 3: Your second product must be bigger than your first product
Cheat code: Double your prices
Rule 4: 30% of your revenue is international
Rule 5: Localize your product
Cheat code: Remove friction
Rule 6: 100% net revenue retention
Rule 7: Don’t raise double digit millions
Dear SaaStr: What Was the Toughest Rejection You Ever Had in Sales?
Dear SaaStr: What Was the Toughest Rejection You Ever Had in Sales? The hardest rejection I’ve had in sales was around renewals. Especially ones I thought we really had earned. But still lost. In particular, in the early days of EchoSign / Adobe Sign, we had a...
Why the Future of Customer Success, Sales and Marketing Has Changed For Good: Ask-Me-Anything Part 2 with SaaStr CEO and Founder Jason Lemkin
In part one of this week’s Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) with SaaStr founder and CEO Jason Lemkin, he answered the community’s questions about whether all anyone cares about is AI anymore, investor appetites going into 2024, vertical SaaS, and thriving as a solo founder....
Is AI the Only Thing in SaaS that Anyone Cares About Anymore? Ask-Me-Anything Part 1 with SaaStr CEO and Founder Jason Lemkin
In the first part of this open Ask-Me-Anything (AMA), Jason shares his thoughts on the current state of sales and marketing, if anyone really cares about anything other than AI anymore, how to hire great partners, and breaking out of a crowded ecosystem.
Doubling Down: Jay Levy Managing Partner at Zelkova Ventures
"Doubling Down" is a new series where we hear from top B2B SaaS investors on their most recent activities and takes on the current market. Kicking us off is Jay Levy, Managing Partner at Zelkova Ventures. #1. What’s your most recent disclosed investment? Why did you...
Dear SaaStr: Can an Entrepreneur Back Out of a Signed Term Sheet Without Damaging Their Reputation?
Dear SaaStr: Can an entrepreneur back out of a signed term sheet without damaging their reputation? In my experience — Yes, probably. As a founder, you can back out of a term sheet if something is off, or even if you just get another offer you prefer. There is a lot...