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Blog Posts, Growth, Marketing, Q&A, Sales

Underpricing: It Can Help You Win Deals. But It Won’t Magically Bring Them In The Door On Its Own.

Dear SaaStr: Is Underpricing a Good Strategy to Gain Traction? Yes, to some extent — once a category is well established and there is a subset of functionality that is commoditized. But it’s not a marketing strategy. It’s more a tactic to win deals vs. an establish. brand, once you have the prospect in your…
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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Early, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: What is Your Best Advice for Maintaining Healthy Co-founder Relationships?

Dear SaaStr: What is Your Best Advice for Maintaining Healthy Co-founder Relationships? Talk. Dysfunctional co-founders don’t talk. Not for real. They stew. They get passive-aggressive. They email. They Slack. But they don’t talk. I don’t mean talk in group settings, or at staff meetings, or in scrum. I mean the two of you. My best…
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Blog Posts, Compensation, Exit, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: If a Startup Raises $40 Million and Fails to Sell The Company, Do Founders Typically Exit With a Severance Package?

Dear SaaStr: If a Startup Raises $40 Million and Fails to Sell The Company, Do Founders Typically Exit With a Severance Package? Very rarely in a failed start-up, irrespective of the amount raised, will the founders end up with anything. If the start-up has raised a lot, e.g. here $40m, a small carve-out may be…
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Compensation, Fundraising, Growth, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: When My Startup Raises $10m, Would It Be Appropriate to Take a $170k Salary (no co founders)?

Dear SaaStr: When My Startup Raises $10m, Would It Be Appropriate to Take a $170k Salary (no co founders)? Yes, not a problem. You should take a “market correct” salary as soon as it’s economically immaterial to the company. I don’t write $10m checks. I write, typically, $1m-$5m checks, the stage before that. But. As…
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Blog Posts, Growth, Hiring, Human Resources, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: What Were The First Five Hires You Made After Product-Market Fit?

Dear SaaStr: What Were The First Five Hires You Made After Product-Market Fit? My first 5 hires at Adobe Sign / EchoSign, beyond the core founding+ team, once we had paying customers and first, if early, product-marketing fit: #1: Full-time sales rep at $8k-ish MRR. I Should have hired two. Should have hired him even…
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Blog Posts, Q&A

I Launched My SaaS And Have Zero Customers. What Do I Do?

Dear SaaStr: I Launched My SaaS And Have Zero Customers. What Do I Do? I’m from a software engineering background and I’m very comfortable in that space. I thought building my own SaaS would be super easy. I write code every day, it’s just another project: build it, launch it, boom. Can’t believe how stupid…
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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Early, Fundraising, Leadership, Q&A

Dear SaaStr: I Just Sent an Email to a VC with Two Typos. Should I Resend It?

Dear SaaStr: I Just Sent a Email to a VC with Two Typos. Should I Resend It? No, no, no and no. First, VCs want to see strength. Not arrogance usually, but strength. Some whimpy email apologizing for some typos isn’t strength. Second, it shows poor prioritization. This is really a good use of your…
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