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CRO Confidential: How Wiz Went From $0 to The First $100M with Wiz ex-CRO Colin Jones (Pod 665 + Video)

Some are reporting Google may buy SaaS security leader Wiz for over $20 Billion — just a little over 4 years after founding! That would be a record. Whatever happens, Wiz’s growth is already a record to $100m, to $350m ARR … and beyond. It may just be the fastest growing software company ever: CRO…
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Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Leadership, Marketing, Metrics, SaaStr Events, Videos

Top 10 Learnings about Free Trials with Tomasz Tunguz

As we gear up for 2024 SaaStr Annual in September in SF Bay Area, we’re taking a look back at some of the top sessions from years past. Tomasz Tunguz, now Managing Director of Theory Ventures (and then MD with Redpoint Ventures) is back at 2024 SaaStr Annual. And at a previous Annual, he took us through…
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The Secrets to Scaling to $2 Billion+ in ARR With HubSpot Co-founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah

We’re gearing up for our biggest, best-est SaaStr Annual 2024 (Sep 10-12 in SF Bay again!) As part of that, we’re taking a look back at some of the best sessions ever. When both of HubSpot’s co-founders came to Annual to share their top learnings with Jason … that was something special. A look back…
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Company Culture, Early, Growth, Human Resources, Leadership, Workshop Wednesdays

How to Run All Hands Meetings the Right Way with Guru Founder and CEO Rick Nucci

How do you build a culture of openness and collaboration as your company scales? Founder and CEO of Guru, Rick Nucci, and previously founder of Boomi, on track to IPO soon at $200m+ ARR, shares how to run all-hands meetings the right way. Guru is about a decade old and provides AI-driven search for companies…
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B2B SaaS Blog - Re-Imagining the Workplace of the Future: In Conversation with Stewart Butterfield Blog Posts, Career Growth & Advice, Featured Videos, Growth, Leadership, SaaStr Events, Videos

Slack, The First 1000 Employees: A Deep Dive with Stewart Butterfield and Alex Konrad

So as Slack was crossing 1,000 employees and its first 150 enterprise customers, we were lucky to have Slack’s CEO and Co-Founder, Stewart Butterfield, back to SaaStr Annual. Alongside Forbes reporter, Alex Konrad, Stewart and Alex took center stage as our opening keynote to have an open discussion on the workplace of the future. It…
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