Thank you to the 6,000+ of you that attended our first SaaStr Build, and the 50,000+ that watched on social media and streaming.
Not everything went perfectly, and we still are struggling to find the perfecf software platform(s) to meet our needs at scale. But overall it was a huge hit!! We are especially grateful to the incredible work the founders of so many leading SaaS companies put into their presentations, from the top mistakes the co-founders of made, to how Twilio ended up powering 50% of all contact tracing in the U.S., to how Loom found its viral loop, and how Notion blends elements of consumer apps and community to sell to the enterprise.
But a 4.48 / 5 is pretty good!
You can catch up on all the sessions here now, you can flip through the entire agenda and watch / rewatch all of the sessions!