SaaStr’s own Poya Osgouei did a deep dive with me on a lot of things we don’t get to here on SaaStr.

Take a listen!


Jason Lemkin:  You can always group everything into two types. But I think there’s two types of founders. There are founders who strategically figure out what they’re going to build from Day 1. You have Databricks, they just raised 35,600,000,000 years, growing 75%. They developed the Open Source predecessor to their company. They were engineers and scientists who said, Look, we’re gonna take Spark and just build a company around it. That’s very strategic. They knew what they we’re going to do. They’d been doing this for their whole careers, and they went to go commercialize it. Then there’s founders that stumble into an opportunity. Like I was interviewing the CEO of $9.5 billion Klaviyo, marketing automation leader for e-commerce.  But they didn’t start off don’t that. They started off as two young founders who loved building a database of data, and then plugged a little bit of email into it.  They didn’t build even email themselves, and they used Sendgrid.  And neither way is necessarily better or different.

— Jason Lemkin, founder, SaaStr

Episode Description

This week’s episode features Jason Lemkin. He is a three time successful founder, current Managing Director at SaaStr Fund, and CEO and founder of SaaStr, the largest community of SaaS founders, investors and executives in the cloud. This conversation was candid as ever and Jason debunked the ease that startups and venture capital are often portrayed with.

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