So when I talk with CEOs quietly, their biggest #1 issue is often that folks just … aren’t working as hard as they used to. 

Same with the top CROs and CMOs.  You can hear the CMOs of HubSpot and Zapier echo that with me here:

But whatever the reality is, folks clealy think they are working harder than ever before.  Our recent SaaS mini-survey confirms this.

67% said their teams are working harder than ever.  And only 11% said they were working less hard.

Folks see this all very differently depending on where they sit, etc.  All I can tell you as leaders and founders is your teams think they are working harder than ever.

Maybe it’s all a post-2021 hangover.  Maybe it’s readjusting to having to go back to the office.  Maybe it’s that sales itself, and revenue itself, is harder.  Even if folks aren’t actually putting in more hours.

Whatever it is, be aware of it.  It’s how folks see things.

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