Most successful venture-backed companies have a co-founder. And VCs do feel it de-risks things if there are two of you. Both are true.
Personally, I get nervous about investing in solo founder start-ups. If only because I know I couldn’t have done it alone.
But …
My learning is that you can get a Number One at any time, especially in SaaS. An ex post-facto co-founder. Your VP of Product, of Sales, of Engineering … even if she wasn’t there on Day 1 … if she’s someone that goes beyond the role, and cares so much, and so deeply, she’s basically like a co-founder.
That’s good enough.
If you don’t have a co-founder today, you can still get 90% of the benefits down the road. Find one great person on your management team to trust and believe in like you would a Day 0 co-founder. Great things will happen.