Are you one of the 5,000 founders, VPs and VCs coming to the SaaStr Annual from 47 (!) countries next week?
If so, it’s time to pick your meet-up for Tuesday night (on Wednesday — we’ll all get together for One Big Party with Mixmaster Mike of the Beastie Boys and much more). When we finish on Tuesday, we’ll have an on-site cocktail party sponsored by Lighter Capital. Then we’ll break up into 8-10 thematic meet-ups.
You can see all the options in the DoubleDutch mobile app, which you should download ASAP here.
But here’s a semi-complete list (at least as of the moment):
This looks pretty cool. Get there by 6pm:
Point Nine Capital’s We Love SaaStr Cocktails at Spotify (super cool) — Sold Out, But With a Waitlist:
“We’re looking forward to an evening full of SaaS knowledge-sharing and networking with some of the brightest SaaS founders and investors from around the world. Michael Wolfe, co-founder of Sagan Systems, former EiR at Benchmark Capital and Portfolio Advisor at Point Nine Capital, will do a talk to share some of his learnings from the five B2B software companies he’s worked at in the last ~ 20 years. Nick Franklin will talk about his learnings as employee #6 at Zendesk and founder of ChartMogul.”
Gainsight is hosting a Customer Success Happy Hour with cocktails and tacos. GO HERE AND RECRUIT A VP OF CS, FOLKS! 🙂
Talkdesk is hosting cocktails and a DJ for a Vertical SaaS meet-up. They also have a killer office. This is also probably a good one for folks that want to learn more about the Salesforce, Zendesk, and similar ecosystems.
Algolia and are hosting a Selling to Developers meet-up. If you run, sell, or market a “B2D” product, or anything similar, this should be interesting. I would go:
Agreement Express is holding a fintech meetup Tuesday night:
If none of these strike your fancy, and you just want to hang out with folks that love SaaS — the come to the Semi-Official SalesHacker/SaaStr Meet-Up. We already have 250+ signed up and there is room for everyone:
We’ll see you at the SaaStr Annual!!
Click on any of these to register. And/or check the “Social Events” section on the DoubleDutch SaaStr Annual app.