Bags packed, tickets booked – what’s next? Here is your guide to everything you should know before you get to Paris next month! We have a few tips for making sure you take advantage of everything you can see and do at SaaStr Europa. Take a look!
1.Register for your sessions
Session registration is open! Having trouble figuring out how to reserve your seat? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out this video below for all the steps you should follow to save your spot. A few weeks out from the event is usually when we see a huge surge in seats being reserved so if you’re reading this, it’s the right time to start plotting out your schedule.
2.Vote for your favorite sessions
You have four categories to choose from inside the app itself, we highly recommend you do a few things once you’re onsite:
Before sessions:
- Bookmark your favorite sessions
- Check out speaker profiles and see some of their recent Twitter activity
After sessions:
- Like the speakers whose presentations you enjoyed with a 👍
- Rate your favorite sessions with the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3. Apply to SaaStr’s Innagural Pitch Competition
The inaugural SaaStr Startup Pitch Competition presented by Ingram Micro will put 5 companies in front of our expert panel of SaaS Executives and Investors for a live, 5-minute pitch during SaaStr Europa 2019. Our experts will be seeking 3 B2B startups (*with less than $10M in funding) to award a grand prize of $50K and two runner-ups $25K a piece to the: Best Strategy + Vision, Most Likely to Be a Unicorn, and Best Team.
👉 Apply HERE
4. Attend VC Office Hours
As you might have noticed we will have a few ways you can interact with VCs at SaaStr Europa this year. There will be VC presentations on Thursday, June 13th throughout the day as well as open hours to meet in a ten on one setting between 9:30 and 10:00 AM that morning. If you check the brain date tab of the app, you’ll be able to save your seat and chat with who you’d most like to meet.
5. Submit to our D&I Program
At SaaStr, our goal is for all of our events, and the community and companies who participate in them, to include, encourage, and recognize people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientation, and military service. We believe that true innovation depends on hearing from, meeting with, and listening to people with a variety of perspectives and diverse backgrounds.
To help, we’ve set aside 500 no-charge passes to SaaStr Europa for members of underrepresented groups in the B2B / SaaS community.
👉 Apply HERE