Wondering how to bring SaaStr learnings into your company?
We’ve got the answer!
We’ve curated 100+ of the top SaaStr lessons, along with easy-to-learn-from 3 minute videos from our top speakers, all into one product — SaaStr Pro!
SaaStr Pro:
- automatically pushes these weekly lessons to your team in simple, bite-sized chunks;
- gets your team to engage around the learnings — and take action; and
- gets everyone to talk about how to improve your start-up.
The effect? Magical. You give us everyone’s emails. We do the rest. We train your team! And get them to talk about how to do better.
And we’ll send reports back to you so you can see everyone is doing their SaaStr homework.
Could you do all this yourself, using SaaStr content and videos, etc.? Possibly. Sort of. But do you really want to assemble 52+ weeks of learnings, distribute them to the team, ask the follow up questions, and do the homework assignments yourself? Nah. We’ll do it all for you.
Sign up now and you can come to the 2019 SaaStr Annual and, if you want, the first SaaStr Europe in Paris on June 15 for free! So it almost costs nothing on a net basis.
Sign up here.