For the 2017 SaaStr Annual we’re going even bigger with 10K attendees, 3+ stages and 250+ speakers. We’ll be segmenting out the content by company stage as well as role and functional area (or that’s the goal, at least!). We’ll make it easy to find the folks with the same challenges and have even more tactical and hypertactical content.  You’re going to want to bring your entire management team. (So grab a Team Pack starting at only $525 each! Prices go up July 1st.)

Though it’s going to be nearly impossible to top our incredible speaker lineup from 2015 and 2016, 2017 is already shaping up to be the best lineup yet with Josh James (Domo/Omniture), Jeff Lawson (Twilio), Peter Gassner (Veeva), Diane Greene (VMware/Google Enterprise) and so many more already confirmed.


Today we’re launching an open call for speakers in the hopes of finding some folks we might otherwise miss or not connect with.

What we’re looking for:

  • Great founders, CEOs, and VPs of early, growth, and scale stage companies
  • Ideally the speaker is you (your well-intentioned marketing person is going to try and pitch your product, not your unique story as a founder/exec)
  • We’re very committed to gender and racial diversity. We’ll be offering speaker training to all speakers, so don’t let a lack of experience onstage deter you from submitting.

@menaka @akennada @levie Running the Box Playbook: Even Better TSessions will vary in length and format.  We’ll have:

How we’re selecting:

  • We generally build sessions around unique perspectives to share with lessons we think would be valuable for other founders or execs to hear.  The agenda for the Tactical Theater from 2016 might provide some inspiration or direction.
  • This is about sharing learnings with your peers. Session topics should be more around how you tactically solved a problem in your business that other founders may encounter, not how you used a tool to solve an issue (i.e. no marketing pitches).
  • We evaluate speakers completely independent of sponsorships so we maintain full control of the quality of the content.  There is no pay to play.

@strategiclee @sarahfrier @loyalelectron @gamoid @edzitron PR PlEarly Bird tickets are on sale now, so make sure you grab yours before prices go up July 1st.  
We’re also 67% sold out on sponsorships.  We have very limited space for sponsors in our new venue, so if you wait until late Q3 to sign up, you’re going to miss out. Contact us for more info and check out the prospectus.

Note: Our selection process is more informal than you may be used to – no deadlines for either submissions or selection notification. We create sessions organically throughout the year. Sometimes we run across an individual who has something really unique to share that many of our founders can relate to and we create a session.  Other times we start to see a pattern with 2-3 people and create a session around their collective experience. We understand this can be a bit frustrating on the submitter’s side, but it allows us to deliver highly relevant content with the very best speakers, which is everyone’s ultimate goal.  If you have any scheduling conflicts, please let us know in your submission form.  

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