So we’re almost there, the 9th ever SaaStr in the SF Bay Area on Sep 6-8!!  We’re again sprawling out across our 40 acre campus in San Mateo, halfway between Palo Alto and San Francisco.

We’re keeping all the great innovations from the past few years, and of course, adding some great new ones!

Just a few of the new additions for 2023:

New!! Founders’ Only Lounge

You asked for this — a place just to meet other CEOs and founders.  Annual is amazing, but it’s big, and a lot of founders asked us for a space just to meet other founders.  You’ve got it.

New!!  VC Lounge

We have 600+ VCs and so we’ve done the same, we have a VC Lounge both for VCs themselves to catch up with each other, and to take meetings with founders.

New!!  2 Massive Hangers!

We started using one of the hangers last year for our braindates and mentorship sessions, and it went really well, so we’re opening up 2 massive hangers for even more braindates, 3 stages, and a massive indoor / outdoor Cantina to hang.

New!!  Workshop Container Park — With Zipline!!

Our outdoor workshop stages overflowed in past years and were a bit chaotic, so we’re building a massive container park with its own cool bar and vibe, along with 2 outdoor stadium-style workshop stages — and a zipline to buzz across all of it!

Double the Braindates and Workshops!!

Mentorship, small sessions, 1 on 1s, 1 on 4s, 1 on 16s and more have before the heart of Annual.  We do 1000s of meetings and small sessions now each year.  So we’ve doubled the space for Braindates and Workshops and capacity.

New!!  Wine and Food Festival on Sep 6!!

We’ve always had The Big Party each year on Day 2, but Day 1 usually has been a bit unstructured for side events.  We’re still encouraging side events on Day 1, but we’re adding a massive Wine and Food Festival in Hanger West this year with some of the best wines and tons of fun together to meet and hang with more folks on Day 1.  Thank you to Peak XV for sponsoring!!

New!! SaaStr Royale

Ok a small but fun addition — a cool outdoor casino.  Grab a cool beverage and play for SaaStr Bucks, and get more free swag if you prove your skills!

Upgraded!!  The Speakeasy!!

Find it if you can.  A cool plan to meet new friends!  The SaaStr Speakeasy.   The speakeasy was so popular, we’ve doubled its size, its hours, and its layout.

CRO Confidential LIVE on Friday Sep 8!

Our CRO Confidential podcast has been wildly successful so we’re doing it LIVE all day long on Friday Sep 8!  Come join AMAs and deep dives in the Container Park with some of the top revenue leaders in SaaS and Cloud.  Learn from the CROs of OpenAI, Gong, and so many others!  More to come soon here!



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