The stress will never end. The key is distributing a bit of the ownership, and migrating stress to things you can control (product, customer success) from things you often can’t (timing of venture capital).
#4. Drive down churn, and drive up NRR.
Ok, this may sound obvious, but too many founders ignore elevated churn for too long on the path to $10 ARR. Especially if growth is strong. It always catches up to you on the other side of $10m ARR. And your unit economics begin to collapse. Better saner growth, with higher GRR and NRR, and lower churn.
#5. Move on from the toxic and the clear underperformers.
This always reduces stress. That one Director or VP that isn’t delivering, at all? Move on. That Manager that doesn’t do most of what you ask them to do? Move on. And clean up your larger teams a bit. Just transferring leads from an underperforming rep to a top-performing rep can often increase bookings 5%-10% right there. In one step.