We’re adding “semi-official” events at the SaaStr CoSelling Space in San Francisco to our official Speaker Series.
The next one up is being put on by our CSS resident company PlatoHQ, is an amazing evening of mentoring and discussion from some of the best engineering leaders in the industry, from Zendesk to Box to Slack to Google to Waymo and more!
“The event will be organized around some keynotes and panels on the topics below from 6:00 pm until 8:30pm.
Food, wine and SaaStr signature cocktails will be served.
5:00pm- 6:00pm (1h)- Office Hours
6:00pm – 6:40pm (40 min)- Guests arrival
6:50pm – 7:00 pm (10 min) – Introduction from Plato
7:00pm – 7:10pm (10 min) – Keynote “Tech lead and Engineering Manager, which way to choose?”
7:15pm – 7:40pm (25 min) – Panel ”How to identify who to promote to Engineering Management”
7:45pm- 7:55pm (10 min) – Keynote ”From IC to VP Eng. Now, back to IC and I love it
8:00pm – 8:25pm (25 min) – Panel “How do we support our engineers for their transition to managers”
8:30pm – 8:40pm (10 min) – Keynote “Traits of exceptional Engineering Leaders”
8:40pm ++ – Cocktails”
Please come if you can! It would be hard to replicate this high a calibre of engineering management talent in one place.
PlatoHQ is running the event but team SaaStr will be there as well. Grab a ticket here.
And if you need a mentor for your engineering managers, you can get an amazing one from PlatoHQ. Check them out here.
A review of some of the last events in the series (also held at the SaaStr CoSelling Space) with engineering leaders at Lyft, Slack and Segment below: