Harry Stebbings, who has done a jaw-droppingly good job of entirely running, scaling and building the SaaStr Podcast — in addition to the #1 listened to VC podcast, Twenty Minute VC on TechCrunch — has joined Atomico, one of the largest VC firms in the world. Atomico was co-founded by Niklas Zennstrom, founder of Skype, and I’m proud to be co-investors with them in Automile and other SaaS leaders.
I was an early guest on Twenty Minute VC back in July of 2015, and like many was inspired by Harry’s quick insights, quick wit, and deep passion for the industry. As were many others, from Brad Feld to Mark Suster.
Harry’s particular passion even at the age of 19 back then (or perhaps 18?) was around SaaS. We kept in close touch on many things, and he was gracious enough to take everything learned from 20VC and build on that with the SaaStr podcast.
It’s since become, by far, the leading podcast in the SaaS industry, with 50,000+ downloads a week and a reach that shocks me. Folks at events, and even yesterday on the street, grab me to talk about the SaaStr podcast with Harry Stebbings.
I am so happy for him joining Atomico (which was done with the explicit condition he can continue the SaaStr podcast) and look forward to many investments together with him, Niklas, Hiro, Teddie and the rest of the Atomic team.
And if you haven’t met Harry — be at The SaaStr Annual! We’ll have a special Drinks With Harry event there. Mojitos and more. Harry will also be moderating a number of the key sessions at the Annual.
The full Wired piece on him joining here.