Awesome. SaaStr’s been named a Top Writer of 2012 by Quora.
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More about the Top Writers of Quora here on Forbes.
Pretty cool. Thank you for the support.
{We’ll wait for the cold calls from associates at VC firms. Pre-money starts at $20m.}
SaaStr on Quora
- Should Apple buy Pandora for its radio service?
- Which is better to work for: an unknown but promising startup, or a $1 billion company?
- How much revenue is Freshbooks generating?
- Should I hire a programmer to our startup staff or begin building our application through an outsourced development team?
- What is Dropbox’s 2010 and 2012 revenue?
- How do the Echosign / Docusign widgets produce valid e-signatures?
- What are the most important factors to consider when you design and develop SaaS product?
- Why did AOL’s management change their mind regarding Michael Arrington’s relationship with TechCrunch?
- Interested in thoughts on the freemium model versus try-before-you-buy?
- Is there a non-revenue-based reason that bills per user?