We’ve already announced our first 70 speakers, and now we’re excited to share the biggest SaaStr Annual announcement of the year… we’ve upgraded the event venue for 2018! With ticket sales tracking at over 1.6x our 2017 numbers, our attendees are going to need a bigger and better experience than anything we’ve ever offered.

SaaStr Annual 2018 will now be hosted at the Hilton Union Square in San Francisco.  We are taking over every floor, every room, every square inch and rebranding it SaaStr Tower for the entire week.

SaaStr Annual 2018, Hilton Union Square, San Francisco, 10,000 B2B SaaS Founders and Executives

Being in Union Square will allow us to build a convenient, seamless campus right in the heart of San Francisco, with more stages, more speakers, and more of the SaaStr content you love. It also means that all opening night parties will be within walking distance, so you can easily party hop, maximizing both the fun and the networking opportunities! And did we mention the view from the tower?

As those who stayed in the SaaStr room blocks last year know, when you’re staying in a SaaStr-recommended hotel, the networking never stops! The hotel lobby, bar, restaurants, gym, and elevators will afford opportunities for guests to connect with new folks around the clock.

If you don’t already have them, get your team’s tickets and use promo code “SaaStrTower” for a limited-time 10% discount — in addition to the September Early Bird savings — and be there when 10,000+ SaaS Founders, Execs, and VCs take over the SaaStr Tower!

Get your tickets today!

Then book your room early to guarantee that you and your team have the most convenient and action-packed SaaStr Annual experience possible! Hilton guests will have early access to badge pickup, invitations to an exclusive “Out of Towners” party, and the convenience of being able to sneak back to your room for those important calls and check-ins with the team!

Of course, we’ve negotiated discounted room rates for SaaStr Annual attendees.  Last year, our room blocks sold out within the first week, so don’t wait! 

To book your room at the Hilton Union Square, use group code: SAA


Selling into SaaS Leadership?  Sponsor with us!
Better hurry though…

With over 10,000 executives from the biggest SaaS brands, SaaStr Annual 2018 will have the highest concentration of SaaS decision makers on the planet.  We’ve already partnered with over 50 amazing sponsors, putting us WAY ahead of last year, and we’re utilizing our new layout to drive more conversations via our state of the art Sponsor Hub.  But not everyone can fit.  

Here’s what you can expect: 

  • Access to 10,000+ senior management attendees from all the top SaaS companies, including our speakers —  84% of the folks on stage will spend time in the Sponsor Hub.
  • Meaningful conversations with budget owners: 81% of attendees are decision makers at the Director level and above, and they’re actively looking for cutting edge solutions to their top pain points.
  • Biz dev and partnership opportunities: every attendee is looking for ways to scale faster, and many companies both large and small send their Corp Dev and Strategy teams to soak up the content and meet potential partners.
  • Brand awareness: SaaStr is built on attracting executive interest, so we know how spotlight your brand
  • Continual foot traffic: More seating, viewing, lounge spacing, meeting rooms, and social events in and around the Sponsor Hub, ensuring a flow of traffic throughout the event.

The next 5 sponsors will get a 5% reduced rate offer (through September only), AND we’ll help negotiate a room block for your team.  The Sponsor Hub is nearly sold out.  

SaaStr Sponsorship ProspectusVIEW PROSPECTUS

For more details, check out the prospectus and email our VP Partnerships, Stephen Green (stephen@saastrinc.com).


SaaStr Annual 2017 Sponsor Hub Expo Hall




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