Q: What does a business co-founder do while the technical co-founders are programming?
Here’s what I did:
- Recruited a bunch of the rest of the team.
- Raised the Series A.
- Closed the initial customers.
- Got PR in TechCrunch and 20+ other pubs.
- Spoke at any event that would have me.
- Handled all the legal, finance, office, and related G&A issues.
- Created a marketing website, marketing collateral.
- Got out of the office and networked with everyone in the industry that would possibly take a meeting with me.
- Did most of the wireframes.
- Wrote any specs I could / that would help.
- Did most of the functional QA.
- Ran customer support.
- Always believed.
Still didn’t 100% feel I pulled my weight. But close enough.
(note: an updated SaaStr Classic answer)