Dear SaaStr: What’s The Most Influential Piece of Feedback You’ve Received From a Boss or Coworker?

My list:

  1. “You need to start managing people.” My second boss was generous enough to give me a small team to manage a few months into my job. I didn’t ask for it, and it wasn’t a group I wanted to manage. So at first I turned it down. He said, “that’s fine, but it’s time you learn to start managing people.” I woke up the next morning and realized he was right, and asked if I could still have the opportunity. By the end of the week, I had a team of 3 to manage.
  2. “You need to get out of the office and go visit more customers.” This is a constant SaaStr theme, and I needed to hear it, too. When I was struggling, I went to meet with another of my old bosses, who was one of the salespeople I knew. He said he didn’t know how to fix all our problems, but he knew getting on jets and going to visit prospects and customers in person would help us close. He was right.
  3. “You have something good. Stop listening to the noise and the naysayers, and push on and do even better. Just double down on what is working, and go hire one great person to help you do even better. Actually, I never got this advice. But I needed to hear it. So now, when appropriate, it’s the #1 piece I try to give.

A little more here: The 7 Best Pieces of Business Advice I Was Given | SaaStr

The 7 Best Pieces of Business Advice I Was Ever Given


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