Dear SaaStr: How Can I Give Better SaaS Product Demos?
One simple answer: train your reps more. A lot more.
With most SaaS companies, for a while, demos get worse:
- At first, founders do all the demos. The demos themselves are a bit rambling, too long — but full of passion. And Q&A is A+++. After all, they built the product.
- Then — you finally get a few good reps. They simplify & just kill the demo once they get going. Because they also know how to close. The early reps, if they are great, are often true product experts. In a way later reps … almost never are. That First Great Rep is just different. More here.
- But … then … you hire more and more reps … the knowledge isn’t transferred. Founders step out of demos. There is no formal training. Each rep hacks in on her own. They don’t know the product as well. So the demos get worse and worse.
- Many VPs of Sales aren’t great at demo training. Because they had someone do this for them at the last company. They are great at managing and closing and hiring. But not demo training.
You need a script. You need a tight, 5-minute demo. You need on-point, updated answers to the top 50 questions. You need FUD and counter-FUD.
You need training.
You need to force every rep to do a great demo for you, multiple times. And then you need to review their Gong / Chorus / Salesloft calls. And … watch their demos. And help.
Almost all of us don’t invest in serious, systematic sales training until much later than we should.
And our revenue suffers because of it.
(note: an updated SaaStr Classic answer)