Q: How do you build strong relationships with customers?
A few simple ideas:
- A formal review call 30–60–90 days in. Led by CEO if it’s a key customer. Pick a fixed amount of time that is likely just after you are fully deployed on average.
- Zoom with 6+ customers a week. You have the time now. Zoom with at least 6 of them. More here: You Need To Zoom With At Least 6 Customers a Week | SaaStr
- Go visit all your top customers in person 2x a year — once we can do this again 🙂 Get on jets, when we can. More here: Have You Visited Your Top 5 Customers This Year? No? Well, Book the Flights. | SaaStr
- Measure it. Measure NPS, or whatever variant you prefer. And set driving NPS up for each customer segment a Top 5 company goal.
- Have a named CSM for every account. Every customer should know who their customer success manager is. Someone they can email about anything they want. More here: Want Happy Customers? Implement the 5-Visits-Plus-2-Badges Rule. For Your Customer Success Team — And You. | SaaStr
- Do a weekly explainer webinar, every week, at the same time. That way, your customers can drive other stakeholders at the company to the webinar if they want to share how your app works, its value prop, etc. More here: Webinars Almost Always Work | SaaStr
- Have honest pricing. Assume every customer knows how much other customers pay, even if your pricing page is non-transparent. More here: Assume the Customer Knows Everything | SaaStr
- Let them downgrade easily if they want. Even if they signed a long-term contract, if their business is under pressure, let them downgrade. Better a happy customer for life than a prisoner looking to leave in a few months. More here: What is a SaaS company cancellation policy on yearly contracts? | SaaStr
- Do customer marketing. Spend a bit more of your marketing budget on existing customers, not just demand gen. More here: How to Invest in Customer Marketing: The 10+10 Framework | SaaStr
- Do QBRs. Quarterly Business Reviews. They can be combined with the above meetings and Zooms. But QBRs are more formal, documented processes around feedback. More here: 4 Things You Can Do Now To Not Lose Your Top Customers | SaaStr
- Do events. In person later, on Zoom for now. But events work. They get your customers and prospects together, sharing learnings and best practices. More here: Got 100 Customers? Believe It Or Not, It’s Time for Your First User Conference | SaaStr
note: updated with video